22/01/2022 Catbells, Maiden Moore, HighSpy
Rating | Comment | |
Difficulty | 8/10 | Long walk, covering three peaks with some scramble |
Accessibility | 7/10 | Good free parking available, paths are large and well marked out. Easy to follow paths. |
Views and Reward | 8/10 | On a clear day the views are incredible. |
Due to the time of year and length of walk we due to set off at 9am to ensure arrival back at the cars before sunset. Due to some lateness and a short wait (not naming any names!) we set off at around 9:30am.
The carpark was from the following location. Free of charge, and plenty of space for many cars, roadside.
54°34'15.9"N 3°09'48.6"W
On todays hike we had a total of 28 in the team, after a brief introduction and some hot chocolate later, we set off. As always the initial climb is the most difficult due to the body warming up and finding its rhythm. For most, this most the most difficult climb, as we climbed at a steep incline up to Catbells. We took regular breaks and finally made it to the top where we took a group picture and prepared for the second climb to the peak of Catbells.

At this point it was great to see so many new faces and strangers, helping each other out, motivating and pushing each other on. We made it to the top of Catbells which can be seen in the background of the photo above where we took some group photos and enjoyed the views.
Next stop Maiden Moor, a less steep yet more gradual incline. Prior to beginning the climb we stopped for some lunch, a pit stop to refuel and a chance for conversation. Quickly the weather brought in a lot of fog, which unfortunately stole us of the amazing views around us. Never the less, the group remained positive, and full of laughs as we made it to the top of Maiden Moore and along its ridge to High spy. The third and final peak of todays hike.
The decline of this walk, was steep and proved difficult for a lot of the group, we had a few drone moments flying over head from PJ and a couple of falls and a spagetti legs moment from Ste. Overall the effort and commitment put in was fantastic. Big shoutout to Cal, Ste, and Carol, for completing their first mountain and making it all the way round with only smiles on faces and boots on the ground.
The final push to the car was on, with Derwent water on the right hand side, although the effort seemed to come to an end, it unfortunately wasn't over , as of course the one and only Lou had managed to drive her car into a ditch. Afew failed pushes from the team we resorted to stopping a local man, who luckily gave us a toe and saved the day. Celebrations all round, and a warm and welcomed way to ALMOST finish the day.
7.05 miles in the bag, 2451 feet gain in elevation, and six hours in the mountains, finished off with a pint in the kingshead!!
Mission Complete.